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Meet the Captains

Leicester Mens I (LM1)

Dan Martyres

Dan first joined Trinity many years ago when he first started playing badminton. He improved quickly and thanks to him, Trinity managed to beat Claybrooke 1 (aka Lutterworth 1) who was for a long time, the unbeatable team in Rugby Division 1. Since then, Dan has improved dramatically - often competing and winning ranked tournaments. He is Trinity's greatest badminton player. 


As you can imagine, playing with Dan is lovely but against him is a nightmare!


Leicester Mens II (LM2)

Darren Moore

'Darren the defender' is one of Trinity most improved players to date. Enthusiastic and determined, Darren is very passionate about getting the results for Trinity.


He adores nothing more than people smashing at him. Naturally, whoever plays with Darren is normally sweating nervously. 


Rugby Mens I (RM1)

Kiranam Singumahanti

Kiranam has been with Trinity for many years and has constantly raised his level through fitness and skill. Thanks to his Captaincy, him and his team won Rugby Division 2 in 2022 which is an incredible achievement!


Rugby Mixed II (RB2)

Tracey Lewis

One of our resident left handers, Tracey is a firm fixture in the mixed teams and is captaining a team in Rugby which though called ‘Mixed’ we tend to call it our 'Muxed' team as actually in this league teams are  ‘gender neutral’ if that is politically correct ?  so we can play boys or girls in any combination though we try and field 2 of each.


Rugby Mens III (RM3)

Hitesh Godhaniya

Hitesh is one of Trinity's most improved players to date. Taking up the mantle of Captain, Hitesh has a good eye for picking the right players and improving them, especially those with potential.

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