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RM2 calling...

Match report by captain Sam Webster:

" So with RM2 away at Avon and 3 of our team somewhat fatigued from the marathon session at the Britannic on Sunday. We called upon the Duracell bunny himself (Dave Jenkins) to give us a boost of energy. 1st Rubbers went to plan with Dave and Rob taking theirs in 2 and Sam and Brad in 3. (2-0 Trinity) Rob and Dave struggled in the next rubber, but fortunately Sam and Brad maintained composure, taking us into the split 3-1 up. With fatigue setting in Sam and Rob dropped their final rubber leaving it 3-2 to Trinity with Dave and Brad left to decide if we take the draw or the victory. This is where having a Duracell bunny paid dividends with Brad and Dave taking the final rubber to leave Trinity RM2 victorious with a 4-2 win. "

A great result for their first 'out of club' match, against a little changed team that took RM1 to 5-1...

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