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LX1 Keeping it Short, but just as Sweet

Match report by capt. Andrea:

"Mixed home game 10/01 against Mundella

8-1 win

Still top of the league

Still unbeaten

The away leg had left the team with a 7-2 win using plastics, so the home leg with feathers, and a change to the 3rd pair (who dropped both the lost rubbers) left the team optimistic.

The results rewarded the optimism, taking everything in 2, despite a couple of close games for Steve and Andrea (25-23 in one, 21-18 in another). The only dropped rubber came form Phil & Emma, as 3rd pair, losing to Mundella's 1st pair... Which is pretty reasonable in my book.

Overall a good night and another convincing win, match report says it all really.

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