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NH1 Success Under New Management

Match report by Cpt. Andrea Ebrey...

"2/2/18 Newhall vs Wanlip. To set the scene, the captain had disappeared and Andrea stepped up to the plate to carry the mantle #hero. The pressure was on. A win hadn’t been secured so far this season. Even so, the team were positive and the night started off well with the ladies, Emma Tracey and Andrea taking all 4 of their matches. The men were up! Steve and Ben weren’t put under much pressure and took both of their matches. Phil and Ben next - some risky mid-court back-hand shots from Phil 👀 (still blaming his new racquet) but still took their 2 matches without any pressure.. On to the mixed.. All teams performed without any drama.. all games taken comfortably. And finishing overall at 18-0, showing that Trinity are still in the game!!! 💪💪💪 Well done team!! "

Thanks to Phil for preparing the initial draft of that report before newly promoted Cpt. Ebrey vetted it and sent out! 

It was nice to avenge LM2's defeat earlier in the week, and even sweeter to do it with this team's first win of the season, even if the team did very closely resemble Leics Mixed 1... 

Some solid play on the night, and a comfy result in the end.  

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