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LM1 vs Longslade (A)

Match Report 15th October 2018 LM1 vs Longslade (A)

Thanks to Mart and Steve for filling in. The team turned up and already there were whispers amongst us 'they're pretty good... didnt he play for England 100 years agošŸ˜³šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æ!' However the sun was coming out in the form of their Cap saying only 1 pair had turned upšŸŒ¤ although it was looking like Ian and Mart weren't going to get a game!

Then a rag tag 2nd pair just arrived so we could all play. Highest scoring pair award goes to Steve and Neil (justšŸ˜‚) 34, closely followed by Phil and Chris 39 and Ian and Mart 51, everyone had nice controlled rallies. A great 2nd outing for Trinity LM1 even if it was a slightly hollow victory with Longslade conceding 3 rubbers this early on in the season. 9-0 to TrinityšŸ„‡šŸ†šŸ»well done teamšŸ¤

LM1 Captain Phil

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