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RB3 vs Lutterworth II (A)

Match Report 12th December 2018 RB3 vs Lutterworth II (A)

We had a new line up for this match, as Rich and Jack joined Rob and Dave for their first away match of the season. All players arrived bright and cheery at Lutterworth, eager to gain our first win.

First up was Rob and Dave, and first game in the bag to 16. Dave doing plenty of running (as expected) and risking life and limb on, what can only be described as an ice rink! Next two games didn’t go so well, loosing to 16 then 13.... what happened?

Sure Rich will secure our first rubber, we watched on to see the same story... winning the first to 17, then getting beat to 17 & 14. Two rubbers down, and this was not in the script. Things did not improve for the next 2 rubbers, both struggling with the slippery floor and loosing in 2.

However, this also saw what can be described as the best individual performance from Dave, going to ground at the back of the court, getting up, then back on the ground again, then picking up another two shots to win the point. Outstanding, especially when everyone realised he had lost his glasses two shots ago! 4 rubbers down, and the match lost, we move to the split. Rob and Jack did better than expected to their two best, with 17 and 13, but still a loss. Now Rich and Dave, playing for pride manage to steal a rubber in two. 5-1 to Lutterworth, and despite some good play from all the team, on a difficult court with plastics, still another loss for the season.

In the spirit of democracy, I am prepared to accept a leadership challenge for RB3... but before you vote, bare in mind that someone will have to do it if you vote me out ;-)

RB3 Captain Rob

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