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RM1 vs Hunters I (H)

Match Report 2nd October 2019

RM1 vs Hunters I (H) 

Big win for RM1 vs Hunters 1. First match of the season and the first match under new captaincy. With people dropping like flies left right and centre the bat signal went out and Sam was ready and sort of willing to heed the call. Going in to the first set of rubbers Alex and Sam took on their first pair with the plan of wearing them out for the dynamic duo of Chris and Phil. This didn't go quite to plan losing to 11 and 8. Meanwhile on the other court Chris and Phil were taking their 2nd pair to task winning to 10 and 8. With Alex and Sam having a point to prove they took their second pair to 3 in the first game, Sam's flick serves on point and taking the rubber in 2. Phil and Chris meanwhile were reaping the rewards of the work put in by Sam and Alex against their first pair taking the rubber comfortably in 2 winning to 11 and 11. This means we were 3-1 going into the split with victory in sight. Phil and Sam took the first game but halfway through the second disaster struck when Phil hit the shuttle so hard it shattered his strings. With his only backup racket having a crack in it, that didn't stop Phil and Sam from taking them down in two meaning the win was secured. Only thing left was for Chris and Alex to seal a convincing win. With both players not feeling at 100% it was hard work but in the end class shone through and they took the rubber in two meaning a 5-1 win over an opposition that we needed Dan to win last season. Great start to the season for trinity! 

RM1 Captain Alex 

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