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LM1 vs Central Leicester I (H)

Match Report 6th November 2019

LM1 vs Central Leicester I (H) 

Confidence was high following last year's success and a regular squad fixed for the season. Our LM1 Captain had some apprehension as no one knew what to expect, div 3 is somewhat unchartered waters, at least for a number of years now.

To ease us in nicely, Central fielded a very similar team to last season however, The Trinity might shon through, a 6-3 win to kick us off. All pairs played well with Ian and Mart taking all 3 rubbers in 2, closely followed by Chris and Phil taking all 3 rubbers with 1 going to 3 however both felt should have been wrapped up in 2 as lost the middle to 19. Neil and Azmath put in a valiant effort however missed out on a rubber. All agreed that each game was different in style with some mixed play in with men's, but once worked out, no drama. 

Good games had by all and a nice team to play. Well done LM1 started off with a bang!  

LM1 Captain Phil 

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