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LM1 vs Longslade II (H)

A rocky start, on arrival a rival team from the Rugby league were on our courts claiming 2 of them. Some back and forth, emails checked and leisure centre muscle brought in. The courts were ours but started 15 min late. Fortunately knowing Hinckley they let us play on until after time which was helpful. Twice now LM1 playing for time. Last minute switch up of the team as it was identified that they've strengthened so Chris and Dan played, the usual Shaz and Ian and Phil and Alex.

Ian and Shaz all games taken in 2, no problem. Shaz and Ian played some Consistent Reliable Attacking Play to good effect. Dan and Chris an initial wobble but then found their groove all rubbers taken, no sweat.

Dan and Chris have had many weeks of Specialised High Intensity Training that seemed to come together to allow them to dominate. Alex and Phil coming in. Phil trying his luck post injury, Alex coming back from covid. Unfortunately no rubbers for us but took their best pair to 3. Both feeling that it could and should have been better if both were 100%. 6-3 to Trinity, another win and step towards that promotion. Well done team, nicely played🍻

LM1 Captain Phil


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