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LM1 vs Longslade Stoneygate 2 (A)

Our rematch against Longslade Stoneygate! We rocked up and Longslade informed us that they were only able to field two eligible pairs so immediately we were up 3-0, however being a good club - they brought in some extras players for some friendly games so we wouldn’t be too bored and could have some fun!

Chris and Dan took both games with no issues, we had some friendly, fun games 🤙🏻

Shaz and Ian also took both of their games. They had a very tense game against their first pair which went to 3. It seemed fairly equal 🤯 but the boys turned it up at the end and managed to snatch victory with a 21-18!

Alex and Tom did Phil proud and managed to defeat their experienced players 🥳 (who shared when they played Phil & Alex previously it was the best they’ve played in 15 years! 🤣) They put up a good effort against their first pair but ultimately lost 15 and then 16.

LM1 won 8-1😊 Longslade were very friendly and we had a great night. We went to the pub afterwards and had some grub! Steve and Neera from Longslade came along for some friendly banter. Steve said he might come down to club night at some point! 😀

And with that…. We only have TWO games left in the division who are against Meltonshire 2. Our home game is on the 22nd March and the away game is the 10th May. Hopefully by then our Captain Phil will make his great return from being off injured 🦿

Vice Captain Chris


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