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LM1 vs Melonshire II (H)

This was it. The match where if LM1 won, we would secure our promotion to division 2 – something which has never been achieved in Trinity history. Let’s talk more about it.

Pre-match there was concerns about Tom not turning up in time due to his train running late, however all that panic was for nothing as he was one of the first there with Vice Captain Chris! 😂 Melton were eager to start playing so we started after a 10 minute warm up. Captain Phil was present to observe the game and ensure the scoresheet was getting filled in correctly, which of course it was! 😊

Chris & Dan were our first pair. Dan shared he wasn’t in prime condition due to playing a tournament over the weekend, however he turned up the gas and him and Chris won all of their games with relative ease. There was one game against their third pair where Chris & Dan won 21 – 3!

Shaz & Ian who were our second pair took all their games with no difficulty. They ate everything Melonshire threw at them and turned the tables on them in their usual aggression fashion which was a sight to behold.

Alex and Tom our final pair – who have not really played much together all season, won all of their games comfortably. They had some excellent streaks and the opposition managed to creep behind them but they were able to win through aggression and skill.

So…. A result of 9 – 0! 🥳 🥳 🥳

We are absolutely buzzing to have achieved the promotion which we have tried and failed for many years. A big shout out to Shaz and Dan helping us attain this achievement. Our last match will be against Meltonshire again on the 10th May 2022. After that, we will be collecting our Trophy in June!

Vice Captain Chris


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