With Tom and Khalid starting as our 1st pair and Billy and myself as the 2nd, we got straight into the game with straight forward 2 sets to Khalid and tom winning their rubbers comfortably and to Billy and myself as well, score 2-0 to RM1. Thereafter Billy and myself played their 1st pair, Khalid and Tom gave a few tips before the game, but Avon 1 were on the attack, with us losing both our rubbers to their first pair. Tom and Khalid won against their 2nd pair with good margin.
Later on with change of pairing with Tom and myself playing and winning against their 3rd pair thereby adding further win to RM1. Billy and Khalid tried their best during their game and it went onto 3 close rubbers however the match concluded in Avon's favour. Overall RM1 - 4 and Avon - 2. A great night with some decent games and great sportsmanship ..Had some time in the end for some friendlies . Once again a great show of club support during this home game. Thank you all 👍👍
RM1 Captain Daan