Heading into our third match with 2 wins already in the bag the team went into this fixture full of confidence but we realised it will be a challenge during the warm up playing with plastics.
Continuing with the same pairings, Adib and Prem as pair 1 took on the Lutterworth pair 1, winning the first game 14 - 21 before Luttworth came back to win the second game 21 - 12. The third game was tight all the way until a few errors from Trinity let the lead slip away and end up losing 17 - 21.
Against pair 2 it was a straight forward win for our pair 1 winning in 2 with the opposition only.managing 10 and 9 points in both games.
Pair 2 were Paul and Hitesh taking on Lutterworth's pair 2 and winning in 2 with scores being 18 and 19 for oppositions. More points conceaded due to own errors than anything else.
Playing against the pair 1 we lost in 2 but always felt we had a chance but lack of consistancy cost us the game losing by 16 and 19.
Going into the split at 2 all.
Carrying on with the same pairs for the split as previous game Adib and Paul won the first game 19 - 21 before dominating the second game to win 12 - 21. Hitesh and Prem also won in 2 with the score being 17 and 12.
We definitely could have played better and even had a better result if it wasn't for plastics. Look forward to the return fixture in 2023 with feathers.
Trinity RM3 win 4 - 2
Thats our 2022 games done with a 100% record of 3 out of 3 wins. Hopefully we can continue adding to the winning streak in 2023.
RM3 Captain Hitesh
