First of all congratulations to Paul for making his debut for the club after a weeks delay.
Playing our 2nd match of the seasons against QDjC 1 who had already played 2 and won 2 both 6 nil we were expecting a tough game before the fixture got under way. Continuing with Adib and Prem as pair 1 they comfortably beat the oppeitikn first pair 21 - 11, 21 - 5 and the second pair 21 - 5 , 21 - 9.
Hitesh and Paul played as pair 2 and won their both games against their second pair 21 - 6, 21 - 6 and the first pair 21 - 13, 21 - 8. Ended up not as tough but infact veey easy going into the split 4 - 0.
The split was a mere formality for Trinity with Adib/Paul winning 21 - 12, 21 - 8 and Hitesh/Prem winning 21 - 8, 21 - 15.
Trinity win 6 - 0 and thats 2 out 2 so far.
Must mention top effort marks for Prem. Getting bsck home at 6pm from holiday and here he was at 8pm in his badminton gear ready for the match.
RM3 Captain Hitesh
