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Pairs were Alex/Tracey & Daan/Ruth. We knew this would be a tougher match this week. Alex & Tracey made a slow start, but changed their game style to take the 1st pair to a rubber, unfortunately losing the final game to 18.

Daan & Ruth struggled against the 2nd pair, losing in 2. Alex&Tracey managed to beat the 2nd pair in 3. Daan & Ruth we’re unlucky in their 2nd game losing 22-20 then 21-13.

On the split Alex & Ruth look theirs to 3 but couldn’t quite get a win, Daan & Tracey had 2 close games losing to 18 then 19. Final result 5 - 1, but we’ll be better at home with feathers!!

RB2 Captain Tracey

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Before the game SOS message was sent out to find a 4th players and thankfully Dave came to the rescue.

For the game the pairs were Adib and Prem playing as pair 1. Hitesh and Dave as pair 2. Both pairs won their matches with a few hiccups along the way but didnt drop any games which was great. Dave was playing some great shots and was brilliant specially after carrying a niggle to his ankle that hadnt completly healed. Going into the split Trinity are 4 nil up.

For the split the pairs were Adib/Dave and Prem/Hitesh. Adib and Dave won their game in 2 (7 and 11) no problem. The pair Hitesh and Prem played were probably the strongest pairing for the opposition. We lost the first game 21 - 19 before coming back to win the 2nd game 21 - 18 and ensuring a 3rd game takes place. The 3rd game also went down to the wire but unfortunatly it wasnt enough with us losing 21 - 19. Really good 3 games however their were a few very dodgy calls from the opposition in that game but it is what it is. End result matter which is Trinity won 5 - 1

RB3 Captain Hitesh

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The plastic shuttles were wizzing, but thankfully as much for them as for us! Tracey & Phil went in as 1st pair and took the game in 2, Ruth & Alex did the same against the 2nd’s.

In the switch round we both agreed we shouldn’t have any trouble. We both struggled more against the opposite pairs, with 3 games going to 19. Thankfully tho, we won both in 2.

The split saw Alex & Tracey win in 2, but made hard work of the 2nd game. Phil & Ruth decided badminton was better than pub and had to go to a rubber, before a final win. Result 6 - 0 👏👏 to us, yay 😁

RB2 Captain Tracey

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