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Hitesh & Tracey played 1st pair with Ruth & Tabs 2nd pair. We started well with Hitesh & Tracey beating the 1st pair in 2 and after a tough 1st game (27 - 25), beat the 2nd pair in 3. Ruth & Tabs made a valiant effort, but couldn’t take either of theirs. So 2 - 2 going into the split.

After a really close game that Hitesh & Ruth just lost 22-20, they couldn’t make a come back, so a draw relying on Tracey & Tabs! We won the 1st game, lost the 2nd & couldn’t quite make the 3rd losing 23-21 ….. gutted 😭 4 - 2 loss, but a great effort.

RB3 Captain Tracey

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This match was a tipping point for both the teams and would provide much needed leverage to the winners. A nail biting return leg as the home match was intense.

RM1 nominated pair Khalid and Tom played the opposition with close drops and attacking smashes. With the opponents being seasoned players the match went to 3 rubbers, however our end was more controlled and won the third rubber.

With Ben and myself as the 2nd pair we soon realised the standard was quite respectable. All games bar one went to 3 rubbers. Ben reaching out for some deep lifts and with precise cross drops we won our first game. 2-0 to trinity until the point. A minor disagreement between the first pairs of both teams on a point - u guessed it....moving on to the next round.

Khalid and Tom consistently played to win their second game in 2 rubbers. 3-0 to Trinity at the stage. Ben and myself played their first pair. With 1 rubber each and a couple of forced errors on our end we were 3-1 on the score board. At this stage a draw was definite.

Our third pair were Ben and Tom and Khalid and myself being the fourth. Both pairs went to 3 rubbers and a midway change in strategy from Tom and Ben proved too much for the opponents to retaliate, thereby winning their game. On the other court, Khalid and myself played some good smashes and drops. It was however not enough to bag us the third rubber.

A 4-2 respectable win to trinity against one of the top teams in this league. A mention about Ben🌟 for his support during the tournament and also to Khalid and Tom for their dedication as our nominated pair. Also a special thanks to our club members for their innumerable tips and advice 👏👏👏. Another 2 matches to go.....

RM1 Captain Daan

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We knew Lutterworth 2 were desperate to win the match as they were leading the table with only 2 matches to spare and we got a draw at home. We’ve did our preparation requesting Shaz to play for us, but Lutterworth also had the same mindset and brought in a first team member to the match.

We’ve initially thought playing Shaz & Ben together which could have brought us a win, but we played it safe with Shaz & Kiranam and Ben & Sam. Shaz & Kiranam started with Lutterworth’s second pair. No rush, we got the rubber easily with well driven drops from Shaz who surprised the opposition. On the other court Ben & Sam put in a good effort but couldn’t win against their 1st Division pair. Shaz & Kiranam gave a tough fight against their 1st Div pair ( getting to 19 points in both games) Shaz alone may have won the match 😁

At this stage, we’re 2 -2 going into splits, Shaz & Sam easily winning on the weakest split, where Ben & Kiranam struggled to get the rubber with multiple unforced errors. The match ended as Draw and we’re sure with better paring and split may have got us the win. Our next 3 games are key to win the division 🏆🥇

RM2 Captain Kiranam

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