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RM1 made the journey over to St Phillips 2 for the 5th match of the season. In classic Claudio Ranieri style, the line up remained unchanged.

Tom & Khalid up against their first pair, a solid start winning 21-14 & 21-15. Jake & Ethan with an efficient start, dispatching the second pair 21-7 & 21-8.

Tom & Khalid made hard work of it but came through 15-21, 21-17 & 21-8 against the second pair. Jake & Ethan with a well executed win 21-17 & 21-17 against the first pair.

Into the split with the win already wrapped up, Tom & Ethan lost in a close 3 set game 21-11, 11-21 & 19-21. Jake & Khalid took the long route but finished off with a decent win 21-15, 20-22 & 21-18.

5-1 win overall for RM1. 1 win required from 3…

RM1 Captain Jake


Very much a mixed team for the match with pairs Sam/Dan & Ben/Tracey.

We started well with a great win for S/D 21-18 & 22-20 and a win for B/T 21-15 & 21-13. The swap over was tougher with S/D taking their game to 3. All the games were really close, but the took the final game 21-19. B/T had an easier time winning to 15 & 10. We are 4 -0 up going into the split. B/S had some more close games 21-18, 19-21 then 21-19. 5 nill up 🎉

Unfortunately D/T couldn’t make in a clean sweep losing theirs 13-21 & 10-21. Still a great result & rb2’s first win of the season 🥳

RB2 Captain Tracey


So we're 24 hours from match day when 🚑👨‍🦳👨🏻‍🦽"MAN DOWN!"

Neils injured and can't play.

With a hero needed one stepped up. 🌟Euan to the rescue.

So teams were Sam & Kiranam, Dave & Paul, Dan & Euan.

After a 3 hour drive to our away venue, we all arrived with high hopes of a victory and after our first 3 rubbers we all stood strong 💪🏾 3-0 up.

Going into the second set of rubbers, their 1st team was definitely their strongest and after a close fought 3 game match narrowly beat Dan & Euan. With Sam & Kiranam, Dave & Paul both winning in 2.

The match was won, 5-1 up with 3 to play, lets all enjoy these last games.

Final set of rubbers, Dan & Euan, Sam & Kiranam both winning in 2 without much trouble. Dave & Paul fought hard against Meltons 1st pair, but just lost out.

7-2 away victory for Trinity in a match that took less time than the journey there.

Great job team, fantastic result and onto the next 1. 👏

LM3 Vice Captain Sam

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