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Match Report 17th April 2019 RM1 Vs Hunters II (H)

Hunters2 had put in a stronger team for some pride by bringing in a 1st team player... Alex and Darren fought bravely and lost to 17 & 18 against the first pair. Mart and Chris faired better by beating them in 3.

Alex and Darren beat the 2nd pairing in 3 games, and Mart and Chris beat the 2nd pair in 2.

In the split, Darren & Chris winning comfortably in 2, 1 game went to 7, and Mart and Alex destroyed their pair in 2, winning 1 game to 9

5-1 over all. Quite comfortable for RM1 tonight. 👍

RM1 Captain Darren

Club night won't be on next week as Hinckley Leisure Centre will be closing early due to Easter Monday!

We will be back on the 29th April 2019! Try not to eat too many eggs over the weekend! 😁

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Match Report 10th April 2019 RB2 vs Lutterworth II (A)

Unfortunately I have to report a 5 v 1 loss 🙁 They had the plastic shuttles advantage and just made less mistakes than us. No pressure, but our last match is a MUST WIN!

RB2 Captain Tracey

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