LM1s last match against Olympic at home on Wednesday 10th April has sadly been cancelled due to Olympic having injuries! We wish them a speedy recovery!
March Report 3rd April 2019
LM1 vs Loughbrough II (H)
A convincing 9 - 0 to Trinity tonight! The squad consisted of Chris & Martin, Neil & Steve and Ian and Darren. Team Captain Phil was busy beating up No Strings players next door! 🥊🥊🥊
Loughborough sadly were only able to field two pairs so immediately we were 3 - 0 ahead.
They fielded a strong 1st pair however after correcting their shots and stepping up their game Chris & Martin and Ian and Darren took their 1st pair to three. Superstars Neil and Steve took them to two! Big accomplishment as the previous season their 1st pair beat all our pairs. 💪
All the squad took the 2nd pair to two comfortably.
The squad played some friendlies with Loughbrough afterwards as we finished pretty early!
Our last match is next Wednesday 10th April against Millenium / Olympic. You'll all be pleased to hear that our Captain Phil will be returning! 🏆
Vice Captain Chris
March Report 27th March 2019
RB1 vs Lutterworth (H)
Match report against Lutterworth
Alex and Darren played as first pair, losing to the first pair 13&12
Mart and Chris won in 3 against the second pair.
On the turn around pretty much the same result for Darren and Alex, and Mart and Chris won in 2 against the first pair.
2-2 going into the split
Both matches went to 3....
unfortunately neither pair could take the 3rd game ... all very close games and on another night... we could have drawn or even won.
All games played in good spirit , considering they are the 2nd best team in rugby ... we pushed them to the wire. Well played all.
RB1 Captain Darren