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Match Report 28th November 2018 LM1 vs Loughborough Students (H) After half the squad dropped out at the last min, Neil having a bad wrist and a combined aged of the students equalled Zaf and Neils combined age - the odds were against us! 😱LM1 were obviously a little concerned going into the must win match! Chris and Phil took all 3 rubbers in 2. With Phil placing a winning drop shot against the 1st pair, looks of disbelief were on the faces of the opposition. Chris had heard at one point during the 2nd pair about Phil 'that guy is like a ****ing orangutan'. Neil and Mart although a storming effort with an injured Neil took the 1 rubber taking us to 4 and Zaf and Daz pulled their weight taking 2 rubbers. We did have a player called Ian however he's since been dropped! Although some valid excuses were made for the conceded rubbers the Cap said he don't care....its a numbers game. Well done team, thanks to those filling in. A great victory for Trinity against arguably the strongest team in div 4. 🍻🍻🍻🥇 

LM1 Captain Phil   

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Match report 22nd November 2018

RB2 vs Lutterworth (H) 

I don’t know what we were worrying about, ended up as a 5 to 1 victory 🎉

Player of the match goes to Ruth who took all her games in 2 and the wooden spoon to me for getting my money’s worth and taking all my games to 3 (and losing 1 😱).

Opposition deffo struggled with the switch to feathers and the weirdness of playing men’s against mixed, but we had some really enjoyable games. Looking forward to the away leg where we can smash them 6 0 with their own stupid plastic shuttles!

RB2 Captain Tracey

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Match Report 8th November 2018 LX1 vs Melton (A)  Tensions were running high on our 70 mile round trip to Melton tonight 😴 as they are the only team so far to have beat the team we lost too😰 But we had nothing to worry about. The team romped home with an 8-1 win. The opposition actually said “who in this league is good enough to beat you” 😎 smashed it!!! Well done team - trophy and league win still in sight 👀🏆 #winners three out of three on all our clubs matches this week!! Go team Trinity 🏆🏆🏆 LX1 Captain Andrea 

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