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Match Report 26th October 2018 NH1 vs Hermitage (A)

2nd game of the season for the new hall league (after a very unsuccessful first game)

However after a little positive pep talk and ensuring we all turned up with our trinity T-shirts on...we had a bit of a rocky start but we pulled together and took them down 14-4🏸🥇🎉

Excellent badminton played by all and some fantastic rallies however they were no match for us with some players winning there games 21 - 6!!

Well done to all :)

NH1 Captain Emma

NH1 Captain Emma

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Match Report 24th October 2018 LM2 vs Shepshed (H)

Well, you’ll be glad to know that we’ve kept the record of never losing to Shepshed! 1/3 because they only turned up with 4 players (about half an hour late as well) but 2/3 because our lads put in a solid performance, to a side which had some decent threats.

Not a great deal to report about as we won all of our matches pretty smoothly, but just great to know we kicked the season off to a good start, and we’re hoping to carry it on that way in a couple of weeks time when we face Leicester Central.

Well done to all the guys for a consistent effort tonight, here’s a couple of short videos of their play (minus me and Dan).

LM2 Captain Nath

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Match Report 16th October 2018 RB2 vs Hunters (A)

Away match over in Rugby, so back to plastic shuttles ...yuck. Sam & I started well with a win against their 1sts.

Phil & Ruth thought they had theirs in the bag after their first game win, but the opposition learnt their lesson & won the next 2 games. Turns out 1st pair were really 2nd pair, so Sam & I lost our 2nd game, but Phil & Ruth played a blinder and won in 2. So we were 2 all going into the split.

Thankfully, one of their players had a melt down, so Phil & I were able to win our split, but unfortunately Sam & Ruth couldn’t do the same ... a 3 all draw. I’m happy with that result

RB2 Captain Tracey

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