With Tom and Khalid starting as our 1st pair and Billy and myself as the 2nd, we got straight into the game with straight forward 2 sets to Khalid and tom winning their rubbers comfortably and to Billy and myself as well, score 2-0 to RM1. Thereafter Billy and myself played their 1st pair, Khalid and Tom gave a few tips before the game, but Avon 1 were on the attack, with us losing both our rubbers to their first pair. Tom and Khalid won against their 2nd pair with good margin.
Later on with change of pairing with Tom and myself playing and winning against their 3rd pair thereby adding further win to RM1. Billy and Khalid tried their best during their game and it went onto 3 close rubbers however the match concluded in Avon's favour. Overall RM1 - 4 and Avon - 2. A great night with some decent games and great sportsmanship ..Had some time in the end for some friendlies . Once again a great show of club support during this home game. Thank you all 👍👍
RM1 Captain Daan
An earlier start away tonight, under instruction from the opposition to have a 5min warm up! Obviously similar time constraints to us. All were on site fortunately before the 15min quarter and a claim for rubbers was heading our way making the captain a little nervous. Although he didn't need to worry, 5-0 at 8:30. With some team catch up and review just steady play was needed, a few rubbers were taken to 3 but the 3rd games were comfortably won.
A lot of high serves were given to us with a different type of shuttle causing a few returns to sail out the back lines providing home points advantage. Ian and Shaz had worked out a pair quite nicely with Ian sitting in with a steady pattern, Alex and Dan were given a few lifts which were driven home although on occasion needed a follow up to finish as the defence was good with neat returns and Chris and Phil got into a familiar pattern not giving the other side many options. A friendly team and a great 2nd win for Trinity, 2 for 2. Great work chaps, is 2022 seeing promotion to division 2. Fingers crossed!🍻
LM1 Captain Phil
Not to upset Trinity’s winning streak , RB2 secured 7-6 games against Lutterworth 2 last Tuesday nearly missed the win resulted as a draw with 3-3 rubbers for each team. RB2 went with good pairing Sam & Ben as first pair and injury returned Darren & Kiranam as second pair. Lutterworth has new faces has top notch first pair and somewhat weaker second pair.
Sam & Ben started dominating Lutterworth first pair with couple of long rallies towards the tram lines and good drop shots given tough fight nearly got us the first game until 17, but the opponents played tactically with good command over the net. Loosing the game hasn’t dropped the confidence of our first pair rather Sam & Ben fought hard in the second game crushing the opponent to 14. Third game is the decider for this rubber but Lutterworth has played more attacking over the net, which displaced our pair losing the third game.
While this all was on going, our second pair Darren & Kiranam has showed a solid start to the math winning the two games showing top performance. Opponents 2nd pair couldn’t reach to 17 adding scores from both the games. To be frank captain was just watching leaving the court to Darren going with long serves & smashes is an easy game for RB2 and the rubber gained in record ~10 min( captain hasn’t took the jumper off at this point😉 ).
At this stage match tied 1-1 games going into the second phase. Our first pair brought an easy win against their second pair and Darren & Kiranam struggled against Lutterworth first pair. Again the match tied after the second stage went into the splits where Darren & Ben brought a good easy win. Sam & Kiranam gave tough fight playing their best split nearly lost the two games resulting a draw. Captain is new to Rugby league could have twisted the pairing may have given us a better result, which is key takeaway learnings from this first match after a lengthy Covid break. Thanks to all the team and mainly Darren joining us back from injury. Well done team 👏
RM2 Captain Kiranam