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Match Report 10th January 2020

LM1 vs Feathers I (A) 

Unfortunately due to injury 2 of the regular 6 were out meaning Azmath and Phil were looking for partners👀. However, fortunately Dann and Alex were available to step in. With plenty of offers coming in to help so thanks for that guys. The decision was made to try some pairs out in a match environment and see what happened. The reasoning was sound enough after a days debating back and forth. 

We were going against a consistent team previously played at home to see a Trinity win. Phil/Ian, Mart/Alex, Dann/Azmath were the final pairs. P/I after next to no practice together match or otherwise after the first game letting the oppersition get a few points in easily worked their pairs 1 and 2 out who were the stronger out the 3. The ceiling was half that of Hinckley so big clears were out. Basket ball hoops and nets were bang in the centre of the side trams and if you hit anything that was hanging down which was a lot by the way it's a let. A fault was only if a good tile was hit! Needless to say this left some frustration. However all that was needed to prevail were steady consistent shots for the win. P/I took all 3 in 2. Minimal work to do for the other pairs. 

Alex and Mart got out the gate to a rocky start, part due to Mart cancelling Veganuary with some vennisons steaks curtosey of his focus and the 1 deer in market harborough. Although he may just have a sore head and wounded pride!🦌 Some good shots were had and nice rallies worked however the finishes weren't there despite it being close with the pair taking 1 rubber. A/D having never played together, ever! Put in a great effort and by the end of the night it was 4 rubbers a piece and the pair taking it to 3. In the 3rd game, with the whole team watching now the pressure was on. 18-18, some great shots played by both and great cover by Dann almost saw us to victory however the other team managed to sneak in the last 3 points with the advantage of a regular pair. A 5-4 loss to us. Well played everyone🤝👍 

LM1 Captain Phil 

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Match Report 8th January 2020

LM2 vs Melton (A) 

*It’s an unexpected loss for LM2 lost the match by a game (9 -10) against Melton losing to 4-5 rubbers.*

Alex & Dan started positively with their 2nd pair winning to 19 & 16. They did added a county player to their second team, but the objective was always to work out with the other player, which was spot on to get us this win. In parallel Sam & Kiranam started with their first pair on full force winning the first game to 16. Sam has brought 6 straight points on Kiranam’s serve in this game is an excellent execution. Sam & Kiranam went with full confidence in the second game leading the score 13 - 5, at which some how the peddles are down losing the communication and the game. It’s unbelievable shocking loss!! Which got stuck in the mind loosing the 3rd game and rubber. Darren & Brad with their third pair has got us some positive news with a commendable wining the rubber to 10 & 12. At this stage, we’re 2 - 1 up in the game.

Alex & Dan with their third pair is a straight forward win getting one more rubber for us. But Sam & Kiranam with the shocking loss from the first game, struggled with their second pair loosing to 19 & 18. Darren & Brad had a good fight with their first pair loosing to 14 & 18. At this stage the match is 3 - 3 equal rubbers and is kind of switched back to the opponents court with the most wins in second phase.

We must win at least 2 games in third phase to win the match. Alex & Dan looks to have struggled with their first pair loosing the game to 15 & 17. In parallel Sam & Kiranam got a hard fought win against their third pair to 19 & 16 winning a must win rubber leaving all hopes with the third pair Darren & Brad for a must win, which again a hard fought loss to 18 & 20 losing the rubber. Very close numbers !! but just short of the match points. 

They all are defeat-able pairs, irrespective of ex-county additions, and there are definite learnings for LM2 from the loss. Thanks to all the team fighting for the win and let’s blame Christmas puddings for shedding the water with the win. LM2 still in the competition must win all the remaining matches, fingers crossed 🤞

LM2 Captain Kiranam

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Match Report 19th December 2018

Rugby 2 v Lutterworth 2 (A) 

Managed to get 3 out of 4 ladies this week, so Mart helped us out. A good 4 v 2 victory for us. This was our first away match & I felt like I was playing in treacle with the plastic shuttles. 

Mart & Ruth were against the oppositions mixed pair, lost the first game, but pulled their fingers out & took the next 2 games comfortably. Andrea & I had a similar fight with their 2nd pair, at 1 game down we managed to win the 2nd 27 v 25!! And ended with a much less stressful win in the third. Mart & Ruth weren’t troubled by their second pair, but Andrea & I couldn’t quite do enough against their 1sts. 

The split saw Mart & I having some much needed mixed practice, but a fairly comfortable win. Ruth & Andrea got the mixed pair and although it looked a good game, they couldn’t take the win. Nice, friendly opponents & some good games. 

RB2 Captain Tracey 

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